Design Thinking Education

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela

● Introduction to Design Thinking for Social Services Innovation
● Facilitated Design Sprints
● Design Research
● Design Mentor

Innovation Coaching

We are in this together!

● Executive Coaching
● Individual Coaching
● Team Coaching

Innovation Strategy for System Transformation

Let’s set some major goals and build a system to assure you reach them!
Systems & Landscape Analysis
● Neutral Facilitator
● User Persona & POV
● Root Cause Analysis

Asad was chosen as a fellow with Foster America and placed with us to assist our agency on a major legislative Act that impacts how we deliver Children and Family Services. He has been a delight to work alongside. He has masterfully held all the federal, state, and local aspects to help with planning and implementation. His services have been invaluable and upon his departure from the 18-month fellowship, we are well equipped to continue on with the implementation. I truly don’t know how we would’ve been prepared without him. I highly recommend Asad! He is insightful, thoughtful, strategic, organized, and professional.
Kyle Elden Heyesen — Planning, Organization, Resource Development Unit Supervisor at St. Louis County, Minnesota

Fundraising and Partnerships

 It’s all about the connections we make. 
Assist develop partnerships & key relationships
-Assist in aligning with funders strategic priorities for improved impact